Quality assurance in viticulture using AI-based MIR

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Artificial intelligence-based mid-infrared measuring system for quality determination in viticulture

Conventional methods of grape analysis are often limited by laboratory equipment and many parameters that contribute to grape quality are not taken into account. With a more comprehensive characterization, grapes with a protected designation of origin can be authenticated and the relationship between external factors such as soil and climate conditions and quality can be assessed more effectively.  

A new measurement system for determining grape quality brings artificial intelligence to viticulture

The aim of the SmartGrape project is to develop a non-destructive measurement system for grape analysis based on attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy in the mid-infrared range (ATR-MIR). This technology uses infrared light to "see" inside the grapes without destroying them, but the signals it produces are not direct measurements of the composition of the grapes. Our job here at Wine Campus Neustadt is to perform the chemical analysis required to translate these signals into compositional parameters such as sugar, acidity and nitrogen content. Over 500 grape samples from France, Italy and Germany are chemically analyzed. With the help of artificial intelligence, this extensive database can be used to calibrate the ATR-MIR measurement system and ultimately provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationships between grape composition, quality and "terroir".