Housing market Wine Campus Neustadt

Student apartments


There are 6 bright apartments in Rilkestraße, each with 3 shared rooms, fitted kitchen, common room and balcony, available to students from the Wine Campus.

Monthly room rent: EUR 335.00 incl. flat-rate operating and heating costs (without billing, no deposit, unfurnished).

There are a further 6 bright apartments in Branchweilerhofstraße, each with 2 shared rooms, fitted kitchen and common room .

Monthly room rent: EUR 315.00 incl. flat-rate operating and heating costs (without billing, no deposit, unfurnished).

The apartments are rented out by Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Neustadt an der Weinstraße.
Contact: Mr. Christian Langer, Tel. 06321 89 96-29, E-Mail:  christian.langer@wbg-nw.de or
Ms. Sylvia Schulze, Tel. 06321 89 96-20, e-mail: sylvia.schulze☞ Please insert an @ at this point ☜wbg-nw☞ Please insert a period at this point ☜de

Brief exposé Rilkestraße
Brief exposé Branchweilerhofstrasse
Veronika Trum

Veronika Trum

Student Advisory Service Bachelor Degree Programs

Short-term rental

Living in Neustadt and the surrounding area

For the theory modules during the prosemester, reasonably priced rooms can be rented in the Neustadt/Weinstraße youth hostel. Private landlords also offer reasonably priced rooms and apartments for the prosemester modules as well as for longer periods.

You can request a list of private landlords from the registrar's office at   .

Our tip

It's worth taking a look at the notice board in the basement of the Wine Campus Neustadt! Students can swap and find apartments and shared rooms in and around Neustadt there.

Studying in Neustadt


  • Neustadt lies in the middle of the German wine-growing regions

  • The Palatinate is one of the largest, most innovative and most diverse wine-growing regions

  • Neustadt is a flourishing, medium-sized town in the Rhine-Neckarmetropolitan region

  • The Institute of Viticulture & Enology is one of the most research-intensive locations in German food science

  • Tourism and gastronomy region with a wide range of cultural leisure activities - Neustadt cultural enjoyment   Pfalz wine