Bachelor theses

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Bachelor theses in the Business Administration department

Selection of completed Bachelor theses

Theses in the field of business administration are characterized by practical relevance with a scientific background. The interlinking of research and teaching is essential. Companies therefore often approach us with specific requests for topics. We offer interested partners student support with their current issues. As part of their training, students develop strategic and organizational analyses for specific operational challenges and propose solutions for optimization.


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Analysis of South Korea as a wine export destination

In this bachelor's thesis, the wine export destination South Korea was examined from the aspect of market development for German wineries and exporters. In particular, this included a wine market analysis including consumer behaviour and structure, pricing, product range, distribution channels and wine culture as well as the influence of digitalization. Surveys of German exporters, our own exports to South Korea and comprehensive research were used to create and analyze a picture of current and potential future exports.