Up to 6 months of the dual study program can be completed abroad as part of practical projects. The opportunity to spend part of their studies abroad is a big plus for most students on the Viticulture and Enology course. In addition to stays in European wine-growing regions, which can be funded by ERASMUS+, the Wine Campus has also been offering the AusbildungWeltweit funding program since the 2017/18 winter semester. With this program, part of the required practical training in the more distant wine regions of the world can be financially supported. Canada, USA, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand are the most attractive destinations. However, wineries in Namibia, Chile and Argentina also participate. The stay at the winery usually lasts between two and three months.
Time frame for practical projects abroad:
After the 4th semester: 01.07. to 31.10. (Northern Hemisphere)
After the 5th semester: 01.02. to 30.04. (Southern Hemisphere)
General information on visa requirements, insurance and funding opportunities for an internship abroad can be found at and on the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society website at International.
If you have any questions or need advice, please contact .

Dr. Wilhelma Metzler
Training contracts
Planning steps
Before your stay
1. look for a training company abroad
2. send a letter of interest (LOI) to the registrar's office - only necessary for funding via Ausbildung Weltweit.
3. forward the following data to the registrar's office as soon as possible:
- Student contact details (name, telephone/mobile number, current address)
- Contact details of the company (name of the company, address, Internet address (homepage), contact person, e-mail address of the contact person, telephone number if applicable)
- Period of the training stay
4. degree program checks the company's suitability for training
5. registrar's office sends feedback to student
6. conclude training contract abroad (student - company abroad) (see download area).
Note: Only these contract templates (German, English or French) are recognized by the competent authority (in RLP: Chamber of Agriculture). Other contracts or internship certificates do not fulfill the requirements and will not be considered as training time.
7. send original contracts to the responsible office (in RLP: LWK) and registrar's office
8. agree the content and form of the documentation with the teacher
During the stay:
Keep a report booklet
Note: For stays abroad in the 5th semester, submit the report booklet to the LWK before departure for the final examination to become a winemaker
After the stay:
Feedback on the quality of the training / supervision to the registrar's office

From Neustadt to Melbourne - Interview with alumnus Maximilian Schwertfeger
Alumnus Maximilian Schwertfeger made the leap from Neustadt to Australia in the 2017/18 winter semester. During his studies, he spent three months training at the Yering Station winery in Australia. He was helped by a grant of almost 4000 euros from the Wine Campus. After his return to Germany, however, Australia did not let him go. The three months he spent in the Yarra Valley near Melbourne made a deep impression on him and he stayed in contact with the winery. After he had completed his bachelor's degree in viticulture & Enology, he received a call from Australia: he was offered a job as a cellar master by his training company Yering Station. Maximilian accepted immediately. Such a smooth start to professional life straight after completing a Bachelor's degree is not at all uncommon for graduates from the Wine Campus. The doors are wide open for our graduates, and not just in Germany.
Dr. Wilhelma Metzler, Managing Director of the Wine Campus Neustadt and project manager of the AusbildungWeltweitfunding program , spoke to Maximilian Schwertfeger about his experiences on the international project: