Prosemester and vocational training phase
The training phase in the company lasts a total of 24 months. Of these, you spend 15 months at a time in the company right at the beginning in order to gain practical experience . During this time, you are in the so-called prosemester and are a trainee, i.e. you are not yet enrolled as a student. For this reason, special rules apply during the prosemester:
Compulsory attendance
Attendance is compulsory during the lectures and exercises of the prosemester (in August, January, May and August)! If you are unable to attend courses, you must inform your employer immediately.
The work completed during the training will be recognized for the degree course with 30 credits.
Report books
During the 24 months of training, you are obliged to keep a report booklet, which is a prerequisite for admission to the final examination. The report booklet can be requested from the address given in the download area and will be attached to the application for the final winegrowing examination.
The entries should provide key information about the training activities carried out, including the company, inter-company and prosemester instruction.
Attention! The report booklet should be submitted to the Chamber of Agriculture before a possible stay abroad in the 5th semester in order to ensure timely registration for the final examination.
Social insurance for dual study programs
Since 1.1.2012, participants in dual study courses have been legally treated in the same way as employees in vocational training and as such are subject to compulsory insurance in statutory pension, health, long-term care and unemployment insurance for the entire duration of the corresponding study course.
You are also subject to compulsory pension and unemployment insurance during periods of study in which no remuneration is paid (from the first semester onwards). Social insurance contributions are calculated on the basis of a notional contribution assessment base (1% of the monthly reference value). The employer is solely responsible for these contributions, even if they only provide part of the training. Individual agreements between the companies are therefore sometimes necessary.
Dual students are also liable for health and long-term care insurance during periods without pay. However, the contributions are paid in the same amount as students who are subject to compulsory insurance. The contributions are paid by the student alone. If you are entitled to family insurance (with a parent, spouse or partner), no health and long-term care insurance contributions are payable.