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Your study plan

 ModuleECTS points SWS
per semesterFundamentals of viticulture86
Basics of Enology86
Fundamentals of business administration65
Fundamentals of mathematics and computer science86
 Total: Per semester3023
Semester 1Biology of the vine and grape66
Basics of management 65
Fundamentals of physics and technology77
Fundamentals of chemistry68
 Science, work and communication55
 Total: 1st semester3028
Semester 2Integrated and organic viticulture87
Fundamentals of phytomedicine and precision viticulture86
Application of chemistry in oenology86
International Communication 5
 Total: 2nd semester3026
Semester 3Enology76
Practical project in viticulture61
Marketing and sales66
International communication54
 Total: 3rd semester3021
Semester 4Applied phytomedicine and environmental protection66
Practical projects in Enology61
Wine law66
Human Resource Management54
Wine sensory analysis77
 Total: 4th semester3024
Semester 5Technology and digitization86
Technology of wine54
Practical projects in phytomedicine61
Special Enology58
 Total: 5th semester3020
Semester 6Grapevine Breeding and Biotechnology68
Wine business and wine marketing68
Practical projects in economics/marketing62
Bachelor thesis121
 Total: 6th semester3012
 Total studies 210154


SWS Semester hours per week

ECTS credits   Credits within the framework of the European Credit Transfer System

You can find the current Module manual, semester dates and other useful information in our download area.

Module manuals
Semester dates