General study support
- Talented and high-achieving students: Deutschlandstipendium in cooperation with the Karl-Josef Wagner Foundation,
the Meininger publishing house and the Schloss Wachenheim Foundation
3600 euros per year
- Excellent Bachelor's and Master's theses in the field of marketing in cooperation with the HWG Ludwigshafen and the
Haniel Foundation: Friedrich Gennheimer Prize
Two scholarships: 2000 euros for Bachelor's thesis, 3000 euros for Master's thesis
- Single students and young parents: Wine Campus Scholarship
max. 200 euros per month (max. 2,400 euros per year)
- Support for female students and doctoral candidates: Soroptimisten Club Frankenthal
1000 euros per year
- Support in financial emergencies due to job loss or self-employment:
Wine Campus Scholarship
max. 1,750 euros per semester
- Excursions as part of the regular study program: Wine Campus Scholarship
max. 500 euros per trip
- Costs for Bachelor's and Master's projects: Wine Campus Scholarship
between 300 and 500 euros per project
You can find out more about the Wine Campus Scholarship at the registrar's office.
Overview of other funding programs:

Veronika Trum
Student Advisory Service Bachelor Degree Programs