Press and Communicaton

University communication

External communication is at the heart of the university communications team's tasks. We are in constant dialog at the Wine Campus Neustadt - because many threads come together here: The three universities in Ludwigshafen, Bingen and Kaiserlautern as well as the Rural Area Service Center (DLR) Rheinish Palatinate are our scientific sponsors.

It is not only through our dual training system that we are in constant contact with schools, technical colleges, cooperation partners and stakeholders. Our two postgraduate Master's degree courses also create close links with the international (wine) industry. We also maintain our contacts in research through conferences, workshops and regular publications in specialist publishing houses. 

Overview of areas of responsibility:
  • Press relations

  • Implementation of the corporate design in all media

  • Maintenance of social media channels and website

  • Organization and implementation of events, trade fairs and conferences

  • Maintenance of the alumni network

  • Film and photo productions

  • Advising employees and lecturers on dealing with the media and the public



Press inquiries

Whether yeasts in space, alternatives to glyphosate & Co., the state of digitalization in viticulture 4.0... The University Communications team takes care of all requests from media representatives and journalists and provides various services. We put you in touch with the relevant experts to answer your questions properly.

In press releases, on our website or on social media, we provide information about everything that is going on at the Wine Campus. Viticulture and oenology courses are a rarity and therefore something very special. It is therefore important to us to provide information about the uniqueness of the Wine Campus and to make the research and science taking place here explainable and accessible.

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